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True Beauty

True beauty is in the energy you radiate. It is not about your appearance.

We’ve been deeply programmed to look for perfection in the face and body. 

We’ve come to worship and idolize people just for that and we’ve forgotten what truly matters.

Yet, if we pay attention to the energy of others, we often find beauty even in a look that we would normally judge as ugly.

To reach the state where you stop judging appearance and see beyond the physical layer you must evolve your consciousness.

Those who stay shallow or who follow their lust impulses will only see what appears as beautiful to them. In persuasion, they often hit the wall when they meet the true character. 

I find people who radiate bright light, who follow their soul’s guidance and who live in gratitude and grace incredibly beautiful.

I used to find myself very ugly. 

Honestly, I could only appreciate my eyes. 

It made me fear other women who had the features I judged as beautiful and attractive.

Slowly, as I was healing and removing layers of trauma and programming I was able to start to accept more of my physical parts. 

I was able to let go of envy when I saw a woman with a perfect body or hair.

I went through a hard period of jealousy when I lived with my ex-partner.

As I was financially fully dependent on him, every, for him beautiful woman he gave his full attention to, was a potential danger and 

I had enormous existential fears. 

This too is a part of programming. 

Women became highly competitive because we’ve been treated as a man’s possession. When the husband was done with his wife and left her, she had nothing and a huge portion of shame and blame were put on her for not being good enough. Why else would he leave her?

These societal programs lead us to the craziest actions. I see young girls filled with botox and silicon and who knows what, just to appear better than others.

To score higher on the market. 

We allow ourselves to be treated as meat. 

When I started to practice Tantra years ago I slowly began to appreciate my body and its functions. I realized how much I love the pleasurable experiences I can have due to having my body. Whether it is dancing, eating delicious food, or making love.

I’ve come to see women as my sisters instead of competition and I healed from the jealousy by acknowledging my worth and value. 

I love to be surrounded by beautiful women. Their beauty comes straight from their souls. 

I now see my own beauty reflected in them.

I see it in the way my beloved looks at me. 

I recognize it in the joyous laughter of the kids I engage with.

I feel it in the response animals have to me when I encounter them. 

I see it in the interactions with women who envy me. I can only have compassion for them because I understand where they are at.

I know their pain and lack of self-worth, their trauma, their fear of not being good enough. I get their projections.

I don't judge them, I only wish they could see what I see when looking past the layers covering their soul.

I pray for all women to come together in a Sacred Sisterhood. 

This desire has led me to create a retreat where I guide women into a deeper understanding of these dynamics and to the removal of limiting beliefs and societal programming. 

I long for all of us to ignite the fire of our true beauty. 

I long for all of us to finally truly love ourselves. Because when we do, we stop competing and condemning each other. 

I long for us to see the glorious beauty of the Divine Mother in every Sister.

Can you imagine a world where we appreciate uniqueness and true beauty? 

~ Nika


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